

About Women and their Frustrations

Ok, it's like the further we fall for a guy, the more we lose ourselves, but you know what! it's their fault as well. They are the ones that start calling us everyday, sending us emails or im's, taking us out, being sweet, etc, etc...and then once we finally give in, fall for them and get used to their nice daily things...well, they stop doing them. And then we start wondering..."why hasn't he called me, why hasn't he emailed me...he must be busy...that must be it." We get so frustrated with all these feelings that we start thinking, "I wish I could hack his email account or I'm going to ask my friend who knows his roommate's cousin's sister to find out what's going on..." And the further they go without calling or emailing...the more pathetic the situation gets. So what is it about us, women, that makes us this way? We can get doctorates in nuclear physics, but when it comes to doesn't really matter how smart you are. Once you fall, you lose all sense of clarity and perspective.
On the flip side of this issue is what if they, men, are just too available? What if they keep on calling, emailing, visiting us, sending us flowers everyday? How sweet, right? Sweet, but boring. No, we don't always fall for the bad guys...that's just a misconception. We want good guys...very good indeed...exciting good, sweet good, mysterious good, passionate get the point. We don't want a slave! We want a partner, someone who can make us feel wholesome, secure and happy. And yes, we are that picky. After all, we have to choose well who we are going to shed our tears for night after night, who we'll be complaining about when they don't call, who will the subject of our extensive overanalysis be.
So...what's the root to all our frustrations? Why do we get so needy, so clingy, so yeah, pathetic? And no...don't even say, "I'm not like that!" cuz you know what! Every woman will go through this sooner or later. I'm sure it's happened to Hillary, it's happened to Gwyneth, it definitely happened to Diana. Well, it happens to the best of us.

Share your 2 cents with me :)

 | Submitted by: atena4ever |   | Comments: 0 | 


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